#WEMIX #CAISHENCHUANQI #Game #Token #CQZ #DEX #Exchange #Press
<CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> launches globally on WEMIX
- <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> launches globally on WEMIX blockchain platform
- <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> integrates blockchain contents while retaining traditional characteristics of RPG and entertainment
- <CQ Zuanshi> game token can be exchanged through WEMIX DEX
Wemade Tree, a blockchain subsidiary of Korean game giant, Wemade, announced the launch of <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> on Thursday, February 4th.
<CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> is an HTML5 (Online)game utilizing the IP(Intellectual Property) of Legend of Mir2 (ChuanQi in Chinese). ChuanQi IP is a mega-hit IP in China with a record of 80% market share in the PC platform at its peak. Also, it holds a record of hosting more than 500 million users worldwide and reached $5 billion in 2017. Currently, approximately 2,000 games utilize ChuanQi IP with more underway.
Within <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX>, users pick a character of their desire. When users reach a certain level, they will have an option to own additional characters.
Users may own and enhance up to 3 characters at the same time and gather more items and gears through challenging various missions.
Unlike other elementary blockchain games, <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> retains traditional RPG characteristics and amusement while integrating blockchain contents, providing a new type of entertainment.
Besides, users can enjoy <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> seamlessly via web browsers as well as mobile devices through downloading the app from CaiShenChuanQi’s website.
Meanwhile, Wemade Tree launched their decentralized exchange, WEMIX DEX, last Tuesday. As such, users can now exchange ‘CQ Zuanshi’, the game token for <CaiShenChaunQi for WEMIX>, to WEMIX Token. WEMIX Token has been listed on major exchanges such as Bithumb and BiKi.
“<CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> is the very first game where the prominent <Legend of Mir2> IP consolidated with blockchain. With <CaiShenChuanQi for WEMIX> as a stepping stone, we will continue to launch games that will lead and establish new standards to the blockchain game market”, says Wemade Tree official.
[Korean Articles]
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WEMIX is Blockchain Gaming Platform developed by Wemade Tree Pte. Ltd, providing services including Cryptocurrency Wallet, Token Exchange, Game Item Trade and Game Gateway. Wemade Tree Pte. Ltd is subsidiary of Wemade, the Developer and Owner of “The Legend of Mir” IP, highly successful game with over 500 Million users.
Upcoming WEMIX Game Lineup, soon to be launched include <Cryptornado for WEMIX>, <BirdTornado for WEMIX>, Legend of Mir IP game <Chuanqi H5 for WEMIX>, <AquaTornado for WEMIX>, <Windrunner for WEMIX>, <Candy Pang for WEMIX>, <Everytown for WEMIX>, <My Secret Bistro for WEMIX>, <Touch Fighter for WEMIX> and <Chuanqi Mobile for WEMIX>.
WEMIX Official Telegram Link :
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