[Press_Release] Wemade Tree Announces 3-step Plan to Enter the NFT Market
#WEMIX #NFT #Market #Marketplace #Trade #Blockchain #Token #Klay #Ethereum
Wemade Tree Announces 3-step Plan to Enter the NFT Market
- Aims to expand current FT trade service to include NFT trade
- Reach beyond Wemade Tree’s WEMIX platform to Klaytn and Ethereum
- All forms of NFTs, including game items, digital arts, and verification of collectibles’ ownership, will be able to be traded
Wemade Tree, a blockchain subsidiary of Korean game maker Wemade, announced it will launch a blockchain NFT trade service.
Wemade Tree will offer the NFT(Non-Fungible Token) trade service on its own platform, WEMIX, and go further to include the Klaytn and Ethereum NFT marketplaces.
NFT market is growing fast. In 2020, global NFT trade volume surpassed $250 million, a four time increase from 2019. Musician/artist Grimes, who is also known as a romantic partner of Tesla’s Elon Musk, recently made headlines when she sold her visual art pieces in NFT form and earned $5.8 million in just 20 minutes.
Wemade Tree announced 3-step plan to enter the market.
First, NFT Market for WEMIX platform games will be launched in the first half of 2021. ‘CrypTornado for WEMIX’, soon to be released, is slated for the first game NFT use and trade.
Various ways to maximize NFT’s technical characteristics and advantages will be experimented.
‘AquaTornado for WEMIX’ and a coming fishing game will share the same fish NFTs. Players can catch fish, then send it to ‘AquaTornado for WEMIX’ to breed and enjoy.
And an NFT trade service on Klaytn mainnet, developed by Kakao’s blockchain subsidiary GroundX, will be launched in the second half of 2021. Wider trade of NFTs, including not only game items but also digital arts and qualification of collectibles’ ownership, will be available.
With know-how from WEMIX and Klaytn’s NFT marketplaces, Wemade Tree aims to enter the Ethereum mainnet-based NFT marketplace, the world’s biggest playground, in 2022. All forms of NFTs traded in global market will be tradeable.
Wemade Tree is already servicing easy-to-use FT trade on its own decentralized marketplace WEMIX DEX, via WEMIX wallet. Game tokens such as TORNADO and CQ Zuanshi can be swapped for WEMIX token, and vice versa.
Development for the WEMIX NFT marketplace is in its final stage.
Wemade Tree CEO Shane Kim says “we are well-equipped with technical skills and experience to be a dominant player in the Korean NFT trade market. Active marketing activities will also be deployed. And we’ll try our best to perform as well in the global NFT market.”
Official Wemade Tree website: https://wemixnetwork.com/
[Korean Articles]
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WEMIX is Blockchain Gaming Platform developed by Wemade Tree Pte. Ltd, providing services including Cryptocurrency Wallet, Token Exchange, Game Item Trade and Game Gateway. Wemade Tree Pte. Ltd is subsidiary of Wemade, the Developer and Owner of “The Legend of Mir” IP, highly successful game with over 500 Million users.
Upcoming WEMIX Game Lineup, soon to be launched include <Cryptornado for WEMIX>, <BirdTornado for WEMIX>, Legend of Mir IP game <Chuanqi H5 for WEMIX>, <AquaTornado for WEMIX>, <Windrunner for WEMIX>, <Candy Pang for WEMIX>, <Everytown for WEMIX>, <My Secret Bistro for WEMIX>, <Touch Fighter for WEMIX> and <Chuanqi Mobile for WEMIX>.
WEMIX Official Telegram Link :
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